
Park Kyung-Hye​

Park Kyung-Hye

She is Sung Jin- Woo’s mother and the main reason why he decided to work as Hunter. She was struck by the disease “Eternal Slumber”. As the name suggests, it puts the affected in a sort of coma that they cannot rise from. 

They have to stay connected to a very expensive machine to stay alive. During the Demon Castle Quest, Sung found a recipe for the Holy Water of Life, a potion that can cure any illness and he saved his mother after defeating Baran, one of the Monarchs. When she opened her eyes the first thing she did was thank his son for taking such good care of his sister all on his own.

Sung Il Hwan

Sung Il-Hwan

He is Sung Jin-Woo’s father and he disappeared in a Dungeon 10 years ago. He reappeared in a Gate in America with the magical energy of a Monster. He turned out to be one of the Rulers Vessels

Because he is aware of the power he possesses he can use the full power of his fragment. He also has extensive knowledge of the situation and what might happen in the future.

He is also aware that his son is the Shadow Monarch even if he never left the Dungeon in the 10 years he was missing. Because of his disappearance, Sung had to take his place and take care of his family, a task that was not a walk in the park with the level that he was at in the beginning.

Solo Leveling

Sung Jin-Ah

She is Sung’s sister. She is the one who chose the Guild name, “AhJin”, her Chapter name in reverse. In her eyes, Sung was like a father. He was the one she relied on to protect her and he was the one attending the parent-professors meeting. Her love for him is only matched by the reciprocated love her brother has for her. 

When she was attacked by orcs at her school, and Sung was in a Raid, he left everything and rushed to her side to rescue her. When he saw that the orcs dared to touch her, he entered a state of pure rage that even Beeru could sense from the Dungeon he was still in.

Cha Hae In Solo Leveling

Cha Hae-in

A lot of girls had their sights on Sung, but the only one he ever showed any interest in was Hunter Cha, an S-Rank Hunter that he first met during a Raid where he posed as a porter

Cha has a very sensitive nose and cannot stand the stench of Monsters and Hunters alike, the only person she can smell and even like his odor is Sung’s. When she witnessed his strength her curiosity towards him turn into a romantic interest. 

She even wanted to leave the “Hunter’s” Guild and her position and Vice-Guild Master to enter Sung’s Guild instead. 

He also considers her a friend and the only person he can think of when he wants to do something mundane. He invited her to go to the amusement park where his father disappeared and showed her magnificent views on a ride on Kaisel.

Yoo Jin ho

Yoo Jin-Ho

He is the Vice-Guild Master of Sung’s Guild. He is the first person who saw what Sung was capable of. During the first Raid they went together, the other Guild members turned on Sung and wanted to kill him, Yoo knew that Sung was stronger than he was and even so, he decided to protect him. 

His kind heart is what made Sung so fond of him. When he confessed that he looked at Sung like an older brother, Sung decided to consider him his younger brother as well. Furthermore, when his father offered him to become the Guild Master of the Guild he was creating, he refused to be the right hand of Sung instead.